In this area you’ll find the most frequently asked question and answers, if you do have a question that is not listed here, please contact us. You’ll find that we are very responsive and will reply in a timely fashion.
Each ebook comes with a detailed description outlining the topics covered, whether it’s dog training, psychology, or nutrition.
Our ebooks are designed for dog owners of all experience levels. Whether you’re raising a puppy, training a rescue, or caring for a senior dog, the content is tailored to suit a variety of needs.
After purchasing, simply log in to your account. Your eBook will be available under the ‘EBOOKS’ tab in the menu – ready for you to access anytime.
Our ebook is powered by FlippingBook, making it fully interactive and accessible on most devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. For the best experience, we recommend using a desktop.
All eBooks sales are final.
Yes! Our training ebooks include structured training schedules, step-by-step guidance, and tips to help you adapt techniques to your dog’s unique personality and learning pace.
Absolutely! We’ve included photos and videos to help illustrate key concepts, making it easier to implement the techniques.
Each eBook varies in length. Our Dog Training eBook, for example, is over 300 pages!
This book contains strong language and may not be suitable for children.
Yes! Our training principles apply to all breeds and temperaments, whether you have a small companion dog or a working breed.
No, each eBook is for individual use only. Sharing or distributing it would violate our terms of use.
Once purchased, the eBook is yours to keep – you can access it anytime.
You can reach out to us at for any inquiries.
We take your privacy seriously. For details on how we handle your data, please refer to our Privacy Policy
While our eBooks provide in-depth knowledge, we always encourage further research to make the best decisions for your dog. This eBook serves as a guide and does not replace professional veterinary advice.
Yes! We regularly update our ebooks to reflect the latest research in dog psychology, training, and nutrition. When significant updates are made, we’ll notify you so you always have access to the most current version.
You’ll receive email notifications whenever we release an update, allowing you to access the latest version.
If you experience any technical difficulties, please contact our support team at We’ll be happy to assist you.
We’d love to hear from you! Email us at with your feedback or suggestions—we take them into account for future updates.
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Go to ‘My Account’, select ‘Change Password’, and enter your old and new passwords to update it securely.