Why are you buying dog food from the pet store, when can you buy REAL food from the grocery store?

When we started our dog nutrition journey we simply weren’t satisfied with any dog food on the market and even found ourselves at so many cross roads listening to different ‘pet nutritionists’ about different diets you can make at home. Even the well-advertised fresh food for dogs is total rubbish. Full of processed low-quality food with a bunch of synthetic minerals, vitamins, and preservatives to make up for the low-quality ingredients. We found it so odd that even pet professionals suggest kibble instead of real food! Our mission is to change the narrative.
This guide is perfect for those interested in:
  • Understanding dog nutrition
  • Learning how to home-cook for your dog
  • In-depth nutrition and ingredient insights.
  • Peer-viewed studies on dog nutrition
  • Addressing all your un-answered questions.
This book covers:
  • Organic
  • Fasting
  • Raw diet
  • Whole food diet
  • Specific ingredients
  • Features a calorie calculator to customize for your dog

Why are you buying dog food from the pet store, when can you buy REAL food from the grocery store?

When we started our dog nutrition journey we simply weren’t satisfied with any dog food on the market and even found ourselves at so many cross roads listening to different ‘pet nutritionists’ about different diets you can make at home. Even the well-advertised fresh food for dogs is total rubbish. Full of processed low-quality food with a bunch of synthetic minerals, vitamins, and preservatives to make up for the low-quality ingredients. We found it so odd that even pet professionals suggest kibble instead of real food! Our mission is to change the narrative.
This guide is perfect for those interested in:
  • Understanding dog nutrition
  • Learning how to home-cook for your dog
  • In-depth nutrition and ingredient insights.
  • Peer-viewed studies on dog nutrition
  • Addressing all your un-answered questions.
This book covers:
  • Organic
  • Fasting
  • Raw diet
  • Whole food diet
  • Specific ingredients
  • Features a calorie calculator to customize for your dog